L'he Newmarket School Boa.rd.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—With reference to the ease of the Time-table of St. Mary's School, Newmarket, to which attention was drawn in your last number, I beg to......
[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Your correspondent "F. B.," in his letter of last week, has done good service by giving utterance to his experience of and views upon......
Vivisection In Italy.
[TO TRH EDITOR OF THR .5P5OTLT3R.1 SIR,—The attack which you make upon Italy and upon Professor Schiff of Florence in a note this week, with reference to the Pro- fessor's......
[to Tes Editor Of The "spiollt0h."]
SIR,—It should be known, both in the interest of the Newmarket School Board and in that of the Birmingham League, that the arrangement described by your correspondent " J. P."......