SIR,—The fragment of Menander, quoted by your corre- spondent Mr.
Samuel Jones, is preserved by Stobaeus, and may be found on page 480 of the Loeb edition of Menander, or as No. 533 in Kock's collection of comic fragments. The lines run : •
"c (Iv 7e7ovt4 fl T chivet rpiK raya0a idlyAlotoo 71, prep, Z0711' etlyevijs."
Presumably a girl is trying to persuade her mother that some young man is none the worse for not having a distinguished ancestry.
Mr. Jones may find the following lines of Menander also relevant to the present situation :
" Errep rbv tiSucoial2 dirliglq113 2),(LL'I'ETO gIOSETTO3 itliehl Ka trcvnytove.Cero ro-os voittCwv acov Elva& 1-6 yeyov4 tiSiKamea, cyvirpari-or diai/Aots7:Clip(113, OVK up 1714. rAdov b KaKOV 7,tar ni;EETO TC111 7r01^71p(7)1', cvaa irapaampaitcvot pad'. .nryvirorrEs 115 gEt Tt/Ltopias 7)TOL Grralq.04 Crrilap' a., ilT01.1' 7rerautroi."
(Kocx 542. Loeb ed. p. 488.) —I am, Sir, yours faithfully,