The Tragedy Of Coal
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—There are a large number of questions raised in Mr. P. Asterley Jones' letter. I hope Mr. Coote will reply. I should like to say, however,......
The 1934 Drunkenness Figures
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—May I be permitted to differ with your statement that the upward tendency of convictions for drunkenness is continued ? On the face of it......
Personal Loyalties In Politics
[To the Editor of Tan SPECTATOR.] SIR,— " He ventured to say to the Leader of the Opposition that, when across the table he (Major Attlee) pointed to the Prime Minister and said......
Suspected Persons
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—There is a rumour that the criminal law in its relation to suspected persons is to be amended. One hopes this may be true. For the past......
"fascism Or — ? "
[To the Editor of TnE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Surely the widely-canvassed idea that the alternative to Signor Mussolini's regime is Communist chaos is without foundation in fact. A......