3 JANUARY 1947, Page 20


Sm,—We have read with interest and not without appreciation the artide entitled "Out of Tauchnitz," by H. G. Daniels, in your number of December 20th. We should, nevertheless, be obliged if you would take early steps to correct one mis-statement, the implications of which could have the most serious and damaging results for this company. This is the suggestion contained in the last paragraph that Tauchnitz absorbed The Albatross, whereas in fact the reverse was the case. The Albatross, which is entirely British owned and British managed, was launched as the forty-third rival of the Tauchnitz Edition in 1931. By 1934 Tauchnitz was defeated in the struggle and came under the management of The Albatross. (It was immediately after this that the Tauchnitz format and typography were changed to conform with the more modern standards of The Albatross.) The war caused a .serious dislocation of our work, as our printworks and all our Continental offices were taken over by the Germans. The many and complex problems of post-war reorganisation have now been solved, and Albatross books will again be on the Con- tinental market in the spring of 1947.—Yours very truly,