3 JANUARY 1947, page 6

America's New Course

Even Americans do not willingly prophesy what will happen when a new Congress assembles, and since the eightieth Congress of the United States will have Republican majorities in......

The Palestine Crisis

It is understood that among the many tasks that are engaging Mr. Bevin's attention, he is giving major consideration to the Palestine problem. There is none that is more urgent.......

The Plan For The Atom

With Russia and Poland abstaining from the vote the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission this week approved the amended American proposals for the control of atomic energy,......

The Sudan And Egypt

The treaty negotiations with Egypt are to all appearance making no headway, and it is a good thing Mr. Bevin is back to handle them in their present difficult phase. The......

Postman's Shop

The attitude of the government to the closed shop issue is so obscure that the smallest ray of light on it is welcome. The Minister of Labour in the House of Commons and the......