3 JANUARY 1947, Page 33


s. Material suggestion of the results of

French Press censorship. (6, 5.) 7. -Not so contemptible now, perhaps.


9. One Met it Out of doors. (3.) to. Such a doe as was presented to Lady Clare. (9.)

tr. " Beauty's ensign yet is - in thy lips and in thy cheeks" (Shake-. -sneare). (7.) /2. She made a pact with Attila. (3.) 15. One should not be taken in by it. (4.) x6. Beast a by poets. (7.) i8. See 16. (7.)

zo. In the case of pugilists it may be a cauliflower. (7.)

23. Moore's last fight. (7.) 25. 'A fragment of Winchester. (4.)

26. The knight meets two companies face to face and gets the wind up. (7.)

29. Where there are, no doubt, in Brown- ing's phrase, "home thoughts from abroad." (3.)

3o. Holders of tabulated notions. (9.) 31. Knowing. (3.) 33. 11-4Asy be found 34 in London. (3.) 34. Kipling's incompatibles. (4, 3, 4)


I. It sounds like a weasel. (3.)

2: Supper dish of one of seven. (9.) 3. Diana's home-town. (7.)

4- Males get 'round in this Place. (7.)

5. The land of Medea. (3.) 6. Christian name of a man of mystery. (3.) 7. No Use for the pipes of Pan. (3.) 8. Untrammelled. (4, 3, 4)

rt. The man who mints 'pennies, perhaps. (is.)

13. Go to a bay in New Zealand. (5.)

14. Maid made game of. (3.) 17. A character from Byron's "Werner." (5)

59. A view of Dan's -place. (9.)

21. It may express calf-love. (3.) 22. City of ancient Clete. (7.) 23. Famous for sage. (7.) 24. Browning, spelt the one "to stick in his coat" differently. (7.)

27. Moisture. (3.)

28. It provides company over most of the line. (3.) 32. The problem is what to. (3.)