3 JULY 1909, Page 22


[To TRH EDITOR Or TIIE " SPICTATOR."1 SIR,—While reading your sympathetic article on "Christ and Ceremonial" (Spectator, June 12th) I was reminded of a definition of dogma I heard many years ago, but have never heard surpassed. "Dogma is to vital religion what the skeleton is to the human body,"—i.e., as indispensable as it is invisible. It struck me one might carry the analogy a step further, and say that ceremonial is to religion what clothes and adornment are to the body. "A man's a man" doubtless, both unclothed and unkempt, but he cannot normally "express himself" among his fellow-men without these adjuncts. And in the same way ceremonial, "clothes," givee atmosphere and expression to truths, be they the deepest an

holiest, whereby men live.—I am, Sir, &c., C. Isi. H,