[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR,—..ef propos of the interesting article on "The Setting Down of Birds' Songs" in last week's Spectator, I should like to remind your readers of the old French poem (I think......
Wych Elms.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THII "SEYOrATOR," J 5151, —Can any botanist explain the remarkable excess of seed- pods and defect of leaves in the wych elms of this year Old men tell me that......
Do Animals Reason ?
[To THE EDVZOB, OF THE " SPECTAT011.1 Sin,—Having been limited in respect both of time and space when I wrote my letter on animal reason (Spectator, June 12th), I hope that I......
The Call Of The Cuckoo.
[To THE EDITOR Of THE 4. SP EC IA IOR."] SIE,—Your correspondent Mr. J. Rutter (Spectator, June 26th) surely generalises rather incautiously when he says that F natural to D......
Heath Fires.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SrEeTATOR."] SIR,—I have read with much interest the article in the Spectator of May 15th upon the recent epidemic of heath fires. In addition to the......
The Seigneur Dakimkempert.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sfa,—A clue to the solution of the problem who the "Seigneur Dakimkempert" was (see Spectator, March 20th) may be found on p. 214 of the......
The Setting- Down Of Birds' Songs.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—In your article on the songs of the birds in last week's Spectator I was surprised to find so little reference to the thrush among the......
Out An Inaccuracy In Your Notice Of Mr. Mumm's Book
on p. 1006 of your issue of June 26th. The summit of Trisul was attained by Dr. T. G. Longstaff, the two Brocherels (his Italian guides), ad a native of6.cer of Gurkhas.—I am,......