In the new number of the Revue des Deux Moncles
there is an article by M. Tardieu which is summarised by the Paris correspondent of the Times in Wednesday's issue. M. Tardieu finds that the outcome of the recent Balkan crisis has reassured Germany, who is no longer doubtful about her place in Europe. As a consequence the relations of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente have improved. But France, Britain, and Russia have been taught that their European influence must depend upon the development of their military power. Dealing with the suggestions of a rapprochement between France and Germany, M. Tardieu says that the action of Bismarck in annexing Alsace and Lorraine has rendered an Alliance im- possible. "Reserve is the proper attitude of misfortune." Similarly he declares that closer commercial ties with Germany are possible only if they are dissociated from certain financial schemes. The reference is to the proposals for admitting German stocks to quotation on the Paris Bourse. M. Tardieu says that these proposals, which are really political, have never been discussed by the two Governments.