Ye Outside Fools : Glimpses Inside the Stock Exchange. By
Erasmus Pinto, Broker. (Samuel Tinsley.)—The object of this volume appears to be to inform us that there is a good deal of chicanery and fraud con- nected with the operations of the Stock Exchange. Still it hardly needed a volume of nearly four hundred and fifty pages to tell us that, and accord- ingly we have in the guise of an autobiography an account of the writer's parentage, courtship, and opinions on things in general. This, and very much more, is written in what is intended to be a humorous style ; we can only say we have found it tedious, and that the pennyworth of information is unfairly weighted with an intolerable quantity of rubbish. And we cannot protest too strongly against the author's trick of describing persons and things under so thin a disguise, that anybody who cares to pierce it can find no difficulty in doing so. The extent to which this is carried (e.g., on pages 76 et seq.) is an offence to good taste, and enough to prevent us from discussing the book any further.