Mr. Cross, On Thursday, Flung Another Sop To The Angry
opponents of local taxation. He brought in a Bill under whioh the Imperial Government will, from 31st March, 1877, take over the management, and therefore the expenses, of all......
Another Scandal About City Editors Has Transpired This...
being alleged, in the case of the Lisbon Tramways Company, that the promoters paid sums of money directly to City writers for notices of their project in the daily papers. None......
We Notice With Pleasure The Arrival Of Sir Saler Jung,
Premier of the Nizam's Dominions, perhaps the ablest, and certainly the strongest, of the most hopeful class of native politicians in India, the Viziers of the native States,......
The Foundation-atone Of The City Liberal Club Was Laid In
Walbrook, on Monday, by Lord Granville, and in the evening his lordship made a political speech, in which he averred that Government had done nothing to settle the question of......
Mr. George Trevelyan Brought Forward His Annual Motion...
Household Suffrage in the Counties on Tuesday, in a new form. He proposed that it should be accompanied by a redistribution of seats, and devoted much of his speech to an......
The Mission Despatched By The Free Church Of Scotland To
Lake Nyassa has arrived safely, and has fitted out its steamer on the lake, which is found to be much larger than Dr. Livingstone thought. It has a coast of 800 miles, and is......
The Extraordinary Case Of "the Crown V. William Vance And
Ellen Snee" terminated at the Central Criminal Court on Thurs- day. Mrs. Snee, it will be remembered, advertised for help in chemical experiments, intending to obtain from some......