The better section of the American Irish appear disposed to
support Mr. Parnell and the more moderate party. The murders of Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. Burke shocked their supporters,. and subscriptions fell off so rapidly, that the National Land. League Central Council have issued urgent appeals for more money. As, without American cash, the movement would be paralysed, the leaders have taken the warning, and are telegraphing messages adhering to Mr. Parnell, and deprecating divisions in the management. That is the most hopeful sign we have yet seen in Irish affairs. If the American- Irish feel their consciences roused sufficiently to fine all who approve of outrages, they will do more to stop them than we could do by any amount of coercion. They hold the key of the position, and can, if they please, control not only the Parlia- mentary party, but the darker societies which strive for their ends through crime. Irish bravoes may not murder for money,. but they never murder without it, and without it could not elude the police.