Prince Bismarck Has This Time Evidently Been Seriously...
has been subject for some weeks to incessant and nearly intolerable attacks of rheumatic pain, forcing him to keep his bed, disabling him from work, and impeding his usually......
Mr. Justice Fitzgerald,—the Irish Judge Whose...
of Ireland have been so often quoted in Parliament of late,—has been appointed a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary. There are two vacancies, caused by the death of Sir James Colvile......
Mr. Sexton's Speech At Sligo On Tuesday Was Even Worse
in tone. In the speech as reported in England there is not a word of condemnation of outrages, while there is this discreditable sen- tence concerning the popular movement :—"......
The Jews Of Russia Are Clearly Suffering Grievous Things. So
far as we can see, the Government honestly desires to protect them, but the rage of the populace has risen high. They are resorting to fire ; and town after town inhabited......
The Better Section Of The American Irish Appear Disposed To
support Mr. Parnell and the more moderate party. The murders of Lord F. Cavendish and Mr. Burke shocked their supporters,. and subscriptions fell off so rapidly, that the......
The Committee On The Prevention Of Crime (ireland) Bill Was
resumed on Thursday, the debate turning chiefly on a proposal of Mr. Davey's to omit treason and treason-felony from the list of crimes which the Viceroy is authorised to try by......
The Irish Members' Speeches In Ireland Have Not Shown A
much improved tone. For instance, Mr. Lalor, one of the Mem- bers for Queen's County, and Mr. A. O'Connor addressed their constituents last Sunday, in the Market Square at Mary-......
Baron Fitzgerald, The Other Irish Judge Of That Name, Has
re- signed his seat on the Bench, rather than remain liable to the duties likely to be cast upon him by the Bill now passing through Parliament, of trying criminals without a......