The Colony of Victoria appears to have entered on a
period of flourishing finance. All recent reports have indicated greatly reviving prosperity, and it is very decidedly demon- strated in Sir Bryan O'Loghlen's Budget speech, delivered on Tuesday. The revenue of the year amounts to five millions and three-quarters, being £316,000 in excess of estimates. The expenditure was £5,370,000, exclusive of £305,000 applied in redemption of the balance of Treasury Bonds. Customs show an increase on the year of £169,000, and on the State Railways of £115,000. Sir Bryan cautiously estimates the revenue for the coming year at £5,610,000, and proposes to reduce the duties -on beer, and tea, and the inland postal rate. It is noteworthy that in Victoria the revenue is almost exclusively real revenue, as we understand it, and only in comparatively small proportion derived from sale of Crown lands.