The Anarchists have not allowed the young King of Spain
to visit Paris without an attempt upon his life. As he was returning from the Opera with President Loubet at 12.30 on Wednesday night, a bomb was thrown by a man standing at the corner of the Rue de Rivoli. The bomb exploded, but was probably of rough manufacture, for although fifteen persons and a dozen horses were injured, the carriage with its occupants escaped unhurt. King Alfonso exhibited, it is said, much sang-froid, and on Thursday kept his engagement to review the troops. His danger and his demeanour will increase his popularity in London, whets every one seems prepared to give him a cordial welcome. Nevertheless, if it is true, as report says, though very probably without foundation, that the King seeks a bride among British Princesses, he may find some obstacles in the way. The British people have no enmity to Spain, with which for a hundred years we have never been in collision, but a Queen of Spain must be a Roman Catholic, and they keenly, and rightly, dislike diplomatic conversions.