3 JUNE 1905, page 14

Mr. Gladstone On "indolence In Production."

[To TTIE EDITOR OP THE "EPECTATOR."1 SIR,—The following extract from a speech made by Mr. Gladstone at Pumpherston to an audience of Scottish shale- miners on October 28th,......


rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"' SIR, - I venture to send you the enclosed, asking you to do us the great kindness of publishing it in your valuable paper. "With the idea of......

The Physical Training Of The Well-to-do Classes In England.

Pro VIE EDITOR Or TILE SrEurATOIL"1 Sin,—May I venture to differ with Mr. T. C. Horsfall in his assertion (Spectator, May 27th) that the boys of the middle and upper classes in......

(to The Editor Of The "spectator:1 Sin,—after Reading...

article on "The Anti- septics of Conduct" in the Spectator of May 27th, I find myself in agreement with your contributor in thinking that a sense of personal dignity is a......