Philadelphia, which for many years has enjoyed the unenviable reputation
of being the most corrupt municipality in the United States, has risen in successful revolt against its administration. The United Gas Improvement Company, to which the Philadelphia Gasworks are leased, recently offered the city 25,000,000 for a fifty-three years' extension of their lease. The concession, which involved wholesale robbery of the city, was voted by large, and it is alleged bribed, majorities in both Chambers of the City Councils ; but the Mayor, hitherto supposed to be a docile " machine " man, promptly retorted by dismissing two of the leading officials who had been most active in bringing about the "deal." The "machine" then obtained an injunction from the Judge for- bidding the Mayor to remove the officials; but the Mayor, engaging Mr. Elihu Root as his adviser, secured a decision enabling him to carry out his plan, and by personal appeals to the members of the Councils, induced them to vote against the extension of the lease. The Gas Company's offer has now been withdrawn, and it is stated that the Mayor will follow up his success by clearing out the " machine " officials from the various city departments, beginning with the Superintendent of Police. This is excellent news to all friends of America. Let us hope it will be no mere flash of good citizenship, but a beginning of a better epoch in the city of brotherly love.