We greatly regret to record that the Speaker of the
House of Commons has been obliged through ill-health to resign his post. Mr. Gully has proved one of the ablest and most judicious of Speakers, and he leaves the Chair with the good wishes and the admiration and respect of every section of the House. We believe we are right in saying that no Member of the House of Commons was ever able to show that he had a just personal grievance in regard to any of Mr. Gully's rulings. That is no mean achievement in ten years' work, done in an atmosphere often so heated by party passion as that of the House of Commons. It is understood that Mr. Lowther, now Chairman of Committees, will be proposed to succeed Mr. Gully. The appointment will be popular, and, we believe, justified by results. Mr. Lowther knows the House of Commons and its Members thoroughly, and already has, in a large degree, its confidence.