The Constitution of Norway. By H. L. Braekstad. (D. Nutt.
Is. 6d. net.)—This "Historical and Political Survey" is a seasonable publication. It is written, as may be supposed, from the Norwegian point of view ; no one could deny that the arguments brought forward in favour of the Norwegian contentions are very powerful. With these matters, however, we are not directly concerned, save that it is important to have the case set forth by a well-informed writer. The crucial point is the demonstration of the futility of such a union as that between Sweden and Norway. Sooner or later, separation becomes inevitable. The Russian danger to Scandinavia is not increased by the approaching separation of the two countries. If Russia should seize an Atlantic port, and Europe fail to intervene, Sweden alone or with Norway would be equally helpless. But the case of England and Ireland is wholly different.