The University of London. By Sir Gregory Foster. (University of
London Press. Is. 6d. net.)—The Provost of University College has published the two instructive lectures which he gave last February, together with a speech made by. Mr. H. A. L. Fisher after the second lecture. The pamphlet gives a lucid account of the constitution of the University, with some salient facts to illustrate its importance. Not many people know that the University of London includes 36 Colleges and 21,000 students, that King's College and University College have over 4,000 students apiece, and that each of them is larger than any other British University except Oxford and Cambridge, Glasgow and Edinburgh, and Manchester. The lecturer deals fully with the controversy about the University site, and shows that within two miles of the Bloomsbury site there are Colleges with 16,764 students, whereas within two miles of Holland House there are only three Colleges with 1,520 students. The case for the Bloomsbury site on these grounds is overwhelming, but it has never been put more clearly than it is in these lectures. The inter-collegiate lecture system would work more smoothly if King's College were moved to Bloomsbury. Far too much time is spent by students in travelling from one College to another.