3 JUNE 1922, page 12

Gifts For Sulgrave Manor.

[To TALL EDITOR Or THE " SPOCTATOR."] Sia,—In your issue of April 15th you were good enough to publish a letter from me, giving a list of a number of things required for the......

Sickness And Superstition.

[To THE Enrroa or zwe " Sencrixoa."] SIR,—Is it not time that a greater exactness in the use of terms should be required from those who deal in such subjects as faith-healing,......

The " Spectator " C.o.s. Fund.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIRS It was a real pleasure to read the letters and articles in the Spectator about the splendid work of the C.O.S. I have been a Church......

"rural Amenities."

(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Ste,—May we, through the medium of the Spectator, inform the writer of " Rural Amenities " and others of your readers that the Women's......

. 1111 , . Puzzle Of Ireland.

[To THE EDITOR Or TRZ " SPECTATOR."] SIE,—IS not our perplexity about Ireland due to the fact that we have forgotten that the idea for which England stands is the right of the......

Henry James On Ireland.

[To TIM EDITOZ or THE " SPEMATOR."] Sia, — In the Letters of Henry James there is a letter to his brother, written in 1886, on the Irish question, which may interest your......