3 JUNE 1922, Page 3

In the London County Council Schools, we believe, instruction about

the proper disposal of rubbish is actually being given to children. That is excellent. But we should like to go further still. In Paris to throw litter about the streets or parks is a punishable offence. Why should it. not be so here ? Or, perhaps, we should rather say, why is the Regu- lation of Parks Act never put into force ? It would be possible to post in the parks at the usual places where notices are displayed announcements that persons misusing the parks would be prosecuted. Making a mess and causing unnecessary labour is a misuse in every sense. If the authorities after due warning would prosecute somebody and then publish the fact that there had been such a prosecution, the effect would probably be considerable. It is the experience of railway companies that few warnings have so deterring an effect as those which in considerately vague terms call attention to the conviction of persons who have travelled without paying their fares.