3 JUNE 1922, Page 3

No doubt, however, most of the nuisance arises from pure

ignorance. People with a very small amount of education naturally have no cultivated taste, and it simply does not occur to them that paper and empty tins and bottles spoil beautiful scenery and disfigure roads and lanes. Our own belief is that teachers in schools if they directed attention to this matter could create something like a revolution in popular habits within a few years. But it is not only in the country that the nuisance exists. In the London parks gangs of men clear up the mess every morning although baskets are provided for refuse. These are times when economy even in small things is essential, and although we have no exact means if knowing we hazard the guess that several thousands of pounds a year are spent in London alone in paying scavengers who really ought to be out of a job if people behaved decently.