We wish it were true that, as has been stated
in some news- papers, the back of the Russian Famine is broken. Unfor- tunately, it is far from true. It is difficult to obtain statistics of the full number being fed by the various relieving bodies, but it is certain that the lowest estimate of those in the Volga region alone who are still without relief is five millions. And there are even worse facts than that. The famine has spread into the Ukraine, where about four million people are said to be starving. It is to be hoped that the coming harvest will king' a considerable change, but in the meantime the simple truth is that help is needed more than ever. Our readers know our views. When men, women and children are starving in millions we do not care to regard politics as having anything to do with the matter. But even if we admitted that politics might fairly be introduced, we should have to say that the suffering peasants are notoriously the worst victims of Bolshevik rule. We fancy that there are very few peasants who are really Bolsheviks. Donations may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, the Russian Famine Relief Fund, General Buildings, W.C. 2.