After a long period of inactivity, a better feeling at length characterizes the English Stock Market, and there is a disposition to speculate for a rise. This has been promoted through a return of genial weather ; and likewise by the large arrivals of gold from Australia, and a knowledge of further shipments that may shortly be expected, as well as a renewal of constant re- mittances of specie from America; whilst the state of the foreign ex- changes encourages the belief that the whole of these will be retained by the Bank of England. The contradictory statements regarding the probable departure of the Emperor of France for the Crimea still cause the Funds in Paris to waver, and prove a barrier to further improvement here. Consols for Money were alternately buyers and sellers at 91 until yesterday, when they rose to 91} j. Today they were done at 911, and leave off 911 1.
The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of Eng- land in the month ending the 20th January was 13,050,972/. ; a decrease of 959,450/.. compared with the preceding month, and a decrease of 2,911,4301. compared with the same time last year. Money has been rather usual, and an improvement has occurred in several eases ; the chief being in Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, which under the influence of large pur- chases has advanced 24, and it is now quoted ex-dividend at 70 2. Dutch and Swedish are 1 better, and Danish, Russian, and Turkish, are at rather fuller rates. more in demand out of doors, preparatory to meeting acceptances due on the 3d instant. The bullion and specie arrivals comprise 549,640/. from Aus- tralia. 116,000/. from New York, and about 20,0001. from New Zealand. In Foreign Securities the transactions have been more numerous than
A meeting of Mexican Bondholders was held en Monday, and the report of the Committee was received. Some of the arrear certificates not having been presented for receiving the full amount of 61. 88., Messrs. Baring had extended the period of closing that account to the 30th June next. There are now four half-yearly dividend's overdue on the New Bonds, amounting to 614,4991. ; towards which the athount in the Bank of England is under 50,000/. ; and the Committee expect nothing towards this fund from the Gadsden treaty, but there is more probability that the arrears will be paid out of the purchase-money from the sale of Yucatan to the United States Government, now in contemplation. Messrs. Baring, who have expressed their readiness to act, were appointed the agents of the Bondholders, as the Committee proposed to resign as soon as arrangements can be made, and will only continue in office for a few weeks. Since the meeting, the Stock has fallen
Railways, which were dull until the favourable movement yesterday in Console, have since shown an improvement of 10s. to 15s. in man of the
leading ce lines. London and North-Western close this evening at 9 81 ex- dividend, and Great Western at 631 4 ex-dividend. The account was ar- ranged on Tuesday, and calls for no particular remark. When completed, the shares in those companies that have recently held their half-yearly meetings were quoted ex-dividend. Foreign Shares are a elude lower than they were last week. SATITEDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The intelligence of the death of the Emperor of Russia has caused an im- provement of 2 per cent in the Funds, and the market is under great ex- citement; Consols for Money and Account are 94 f. Exchequer Bills, 6 9. There is an increase in the bullion return by the Bank of England of 63,840/. The Foreign Market is at present so confuted, that the dealers refuse to state even nominal quotaticns; under these circumstances we are compelled to omit the usual report of prices. The bargains hate been con- fined to Russian and Turkish ; the former is 2 per cent better, the Five per Cents being 98 9 ; Turkish has advanced 24, and is 78f 94. Railways have had a good rise—Caledonian, 64f ; Great Western, 65; Lancashire and York-
,shire, 76; Midland, 69; North British, 304. SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK . The English Funds have been very firm since the morning, and close at a further improvement of 1 ; Consols for Money and the Account tieing 94 1. Exchequer Bills 6 9. Foreign Stocks are all very firm, at increased rates. Equador has been done at 41, 3i, 4 ; Spanish Committee Certificates, 4} ; Venezuela, 231; and French Scrip at 61 f 1 premium. Turkish leaves off at 78#9.
In Railways there has been an immense amount of business transacted, at a' further advance—Aberdeen, 204; Caledonian, 641 ; Chester and Holy- head, 121; Eastern Counties, 111; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 57; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 204; Great Northern, 91}; Ditto A Stock, 74; Great Southern and Western, Ireland, 90; Great Western, 65; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 76}; London and Blackwell, 84; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 100; London and North-Western, 991; London and South-Western, 85k; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 244; Midland, 691 ; Nor- folk, 50 ; North British, 30 ; North-Eastern—Berwick, 73 ; Ditto Exten- sion, 13}; Ditto York, 50}; North Staffordshire, 14; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 31; South Devon, 131; South-Eastern, 611; South Wales 28$; Buckinghamshire, 964; London, 'Tilbury, and Southend, 11; 'Wilts and Somerset, 90; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 13; Great Western Convertible and Redeemable 41 pet Cent, 96 Great Western Convertible and Redeemable 6 per Cent Stock, 1344; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birmingham Preference 41 per Cent, 11 die.; Norfolk Extension 1846, 105; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 61; Eastern of France, 34; Foal Indian, 22; Ditto Extension, 11; Great Central of France, 121 ; Great Western of Canada, 174; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 31 ; Ditto Obligations, 4 ; Northern of France 35 ; Paris and Lyons, 381; Sambre and Meuse, 81; West Flanders, 31. Mines—Brazilian Im- perial, (issued at 5/. prem.,) 21; Cobra Copper, 48; United Mexican, 21. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 814; London Chaftered Bank of Australia, 204; London and Westminster, 401; Union of Australia, 651. Miscella- neous—Australian Agricultural, 31; Crystal Palace, 3; Electric Telegraph, 16; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 661; Peel River Land and Mineral, 2}; Royal Mail Steam, 67; Scottish Australasian Investment, lf ; South. Australian Land, 351.
3_ per Cent Consols 934 1 Danish 3 per Cents 80 3
Ditto for Account Dutch 24 pet Cents 62 4 er 93 3 p Cent Reduced 93 5 93 Ditto 4 per Cents
New 3 per Cents 4 Mexican 3 per Cents 204 14 Long Annuities 4 Peruvian 44 per Mate— 70 2 ex stir.
Bank Stock 21 15 Ditto 3 per Cents 50 2 Exchequer Bills 6 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 41 3 India Stock 220 4 Russian 5 per Cents ... 93 TOO ex div.
Austrian 5 per Cents 84 7 Ditto 44 per Cents 89 91 Brazilian 5 per Cents 101 9 Spanish 8 per Cents 361 i Belgian 44 per Cents 92 4 Ditto Deferred 174 184
Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 7 Danish S per Cents 100 2 ex div. Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9 RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS.
The Eastern Counties Company, at a meeting held on Tuesday, declared a dividend of 7s. per share for the half-year. On Wednesday, the Great Northern Company declared a dividend at the rate of 51. 16s. per cent per annum for the halt-year ; - the Norfolk Company of 30s. per cent for the half-year ; the Newport, Abergavenny, and Here- foul, at the rate of 3 per cent per annum,
Two adjourned meetings were held on Thursday. The London and South- Western Company agreed to the proposition of the Directors to leave in their hands the devising of means by which the hostility of Parliament to their bill, arising out of the " breach of faith' of 1853, may be got over. The Great Western assembled and heard from the Chairman that the Birkenhead and Lancashire Company had rejected the offer made to them by the Great Western Company to work their line.