3 MARCH 1855, page 8
Intrigu Ruh Ttlautal.
FRANCE.—The Emperor of the French has taken one journey. On Wednesday mornin g he q uitted Paris, without parade, and arrived at St. Omer in the evenin g ; and next day he......
The rearrangement of the entire Ministry has lingered throughout the week ; but the Cabinet would seem to have been completed by Wednes- day. The changes that have taken place......
The Baltic Fleet.
Horse- Gans. power. Horse- Gans. power. Duke of Wellington (flag)... 131 700 Esk, Capt. T. F. Birch 21 250 Royal George, Capt. Codnng- Tartar, Capt. Dunlop 21 250 ton, C.B 102......