3 MARCH 1855, Page 19


On the 13th February, at Cirencester, the Wife of Sir Charles Watson, Bart., of a daughter.

On the 23d, at Brimfield Court, Herefordshire, Mrs. Humphrey Child, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Arundel Castle, Lady Edward Fitzalan Howard, of a daughter.


On the 13th December, at St. Andrew's Church, Red River, the Rev. Charles Ilil- lyer, of the Church Missionary Society, Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Ru- pert's Land, to Maria, youngest daughter of the Ven. Archdeacon Cochran, Minis- ter of St. Andrew's Church.

On the 20th February, at Talnuk House, county Galway, the Rev. Wm. David Cowley, A.M., of GreatCharles Street, Dublin, to Margaret Catherine, eldest daugh- ter of Lieutenant-General Alexander Thomson, C.B., Colonel of the Seventy-fourth Highlanders.

On the 24th, at St. George's Church, Walter C. Nangle, Esq., Lieutenant Royal Artillery, youngest son of George Nangle, Esq., of Kildalkey, county Meath, to Mary, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Arthur Annesley.


On the 9th February, at Balaklava, of fever, Francis Smith, Esq., Surgeon Ninety- fifth Regiment, in his 32d year ; and, on the 26th, at the house of her father, Rose Emily Sophia, in her 19th year; son and daughter of James Smith, Esq., of Iladhain Palace, Herts.

On the 14th, at Rome, Mary Grey, third daughter of the late General Sir Martin Hunter, G.C.M.G., of Anton's Hill, Berwickshire. On the 19th, at Downer, Charles Douglas Smith, Esq.; in his 95th year.

On the 20th, William Curve, Esq., of Mon Court, for many years Deputy-Lieu- tenant and Magistrate for the county of Monmouth ; in his 82d year. On the 20th, at Sedgeford Hall, Lynn, Norfolk, the lion. Mrs. Hamilton, widow of the late J. J. Hamilton, Esq., of Ballymacall, county Meath. On the 23d, the Rev. John Peers, A.M., Perpetual Curate of Lane End, Bucks ; in his 84th year.

On the 23d, at Wolverhampton, the Rev. William White, M.A., Head Master of the Wolverhampton Free Grammar School, and formerly Fellow of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge; in his 62d year.

On the 24th, at Hastings, John Benbow, Esq., of Mecklenburgh Square, London, M.P. for Dudley; in his 87th year. On the 29th, at Whilton Rectory, the Rev. Henry Rose, Rector of Brington and Whilton, Northamptonshire; in his 64th year.

On the 24th, at Broke Hall, Ipswich, Captain Sir Philip Broke, Bart., R.N.; in Ma 51st year.

On the 24th, at Kingston, near Taunton, Henry Lewis Sweeting, Esq., Colonel Royal Artillery; in his 66thyear. On the 25th, at lioveton House, Norfolk, the Rev. Thomas Calthorpe Blofield, A.M., Rector of Hellesden with Drayton, in that county ; iu his 78th year. On the 25th, at Gredingtoo, George, Lord Kenyon; in his 78th year. On the 25th, in Oxford Terrace, General Latter, of the lion. East India Company's Service.

On the 26th, at the Parsonage, Elson, the Rev. Samuel Thomas Brandram, M.A., Incumbent of Eisen, Alverstoke, Halal, and youngest eon of the late Rev. Andrew Brandram, Rector of Beckenham, Kent ; in his 31st year.

On the 27th, in Mare Street, South Hackney, Miss Elizabeth Kensall ; in her 92d year.

On the 27th, at Bt. Catherine's, Guildford, the Ten. Archdeacon Pope ; in his 83t1 year.