, At Court.
THE QUEEN held a Court and Privy Council on Wednesday, at Bucking- ham Palace.
At the Court, General de la Marmora, Commander-in-chief of the Sar- dinian contingent, had an audience. Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Sidney Herbert had audiences, and delivered up their seals of office. Sir James Graham had an audience on resigning his office. The Queen conferred the honour of knighthood upon Mr. Richard Graves Macdonnell, Go- vernor-in-chief of South Australia.
At the Privy Council, the Earl of Carlisle was declared Lord-Lieute- nant of Ireland. Sir George Cornwall Lewis was sworn of the Privy Council; and her Majesty delivered to him the seal of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. By command of the Queen, a proclamation was ordered to be issued appointing Wednesday the 21st March to be observed as a day of fast and humiliation.
Afterwards, Sir Charles Wood and Mr. Vernon Smith had audiences, and kissed hands on being appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and President of the Board of Control, respectively.
On Thursday, Major-General Vivian and General Cannon were pre-
rented to the ;Queen, and Lord Panmure had an audience. Yesterday the Earl of Clarendon had an audience.
Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Duke of Cam- bridge, visited the Great Globe in Leicester Square, on Tuesday, and inspected the model of Sebastopol and the lines of the Allies in the Crimea. On Monday and Thursday, they visited the Duchess of Gloucester. On Tuesday they went to the Haymarket Theatre, and last night to the Princess's.
The guests of the Queen have included the Duke of Argyll, the Duke and Duchess of Wellington, the Turkish Minister and Madame Musurua, the Prussian Minister and Countess Bernstarff, the Hanoverian Minister and the Countess Helene Kielmansegge, the Austrian Minister and Coun- tess Colloredo, the Earl and Countess of Shaftesbury, the Earl of Eglin- ton, the Earl of Desert, and Lord and Lady Seymour.