intrigu Ruh ttlautal.
FRANCE.—The Emperor of the French has taken one journey. On Wednesday morning he quitted Paris, without parade, and arrived at St. Omer in the evening ; and next day he arrived at Boulogne, from St. Omer. His absence from Paris, says the Moniteur, will be of short dura- tion. With regard to the visit to the Crimea, it is now positively affirmed, that, in spite of deprecations from all sides, the Emperor will go, and that the Empress will accompany him ; that he will take with him a very large military escort, including a part of the Imperial Guard, the Cent Glades, and the Guides. This day has been named for his departure ; but it will probably not take place so soon. The treaty with Prussia is still under negotiation. General Wedell left Paris for Berlin on Wednesday. The American residents in Paris invited their compatriots and others to dance in commemoration of Washington's birthday, on Thursday week. The company included a very large number of men distinguished in lite- rature, art, and politios—M. Gaixot was a very early comer; and nearly the whole of the diplomatic body, as well as the members of the French Government, were present Bznanmi.—The King of the Belgians came to Brussels from the Pa- lace of Laeken on Sunday morning, and gave a private audience to Lord John Russell, who had just arrived in company with Lord Dufferin, Mr. Eliot, and Mr. Byng. 'f he interview between the King and Lord John Russell lasted a considerable time; after which his Majesty returned to Laeken.
GERMANY.—A. telegraphio despatch from Vienna, dated Thursday, states that the Congress would be opened on Monday next. " The Porte will be represented by a distinguished dignitary besides Arif Effendi. M. de Titoff and Prince Gortechakoff will represent Russia in the Congress; Lord John Russell and the Earl of Westmoreland England ; but M. de Bourqueney alone as yet represents France. For Austria M. de Buol and Baron de Prokeseh-Osten will appear. All Powers thus testify an earnest desire to restore peace. Full justice has been done to military ho- nour on all sides. A satisfactory basis for negotiations is now established, and the Congress will commence under promising auspices." Lord John Russell arrived at Berlin on Wednesday morning. In the afternoon he waited upon Baron Manteuffel; and on Thursday he had an audience of the King. According to a letter from Vienna in the Frankfort Journal, dated 22d February, Prince Gortschakoff had a personal interview with the Empe- ror of Austria last week, to give explanations respecting the Czar's late manifesto. He repeatedly stated that his master had been compelled to call out the national militia by the daily increasing extension of the coali- tion of great Powers against Russia, and that it is a defensive measure. " measure,' Em This measure ' he says, ought not to exercise any influence on the peace conferences; peror being disposed before, as after, to treat with the Western Powers on, the basis of the four points; and the mission with which he was personally charged, even under actual circumstances, remained =changed.' "The Emperor Francis Joseph was not, it is assured, satisfied with this explanation, and is said to have demonstrated clearly to Prince Gortschakoff that this step of the Czar inspired him with the less confidence, as at the pre- sent moment no other Power had recourse to so serious a measure. In a word, the manifesto of the Emperor of Russia has produced a very unfavourable
' impression in our official circles and it is believed that our Emperor will not leave this demonstration of the Czar unanswered."
RussrA.—The Emperor of Russia has issued to Russian agents abroad, under the signature of Count Nesselrode, a declaration of war against Sardinia. It sets forth, that without grievances, without a warning, the Sardinian Government has placed: 15,000 men at the disposal of England. The Court of Turin is upbraided with a departure from its ancient poli- cy; and is reminded that a Russian army once crossed the Alps, but it was to save Piedmont. Genoa was reunited to the Kingdom of Sardinia because the Emperor Alexander wished'to promote the commercial prosperity of the country. Russia does not know what name to give the auxiliary soldiers destined' to- invade her frontiers without a declaration of war ; but if the Court of Turin forgets the laws of nations, the Emperor Nicholas does not; and therefore he declares peace broken by an act of flagrant hos- tility, " the blame of which rests solely with the Sardinian Government," which has turned its arms against Russia at the very moment when " the Imperial Cabinet at Vienna enters upon deliberations intended to open the way to the restoration of peace.' The Court of Sardinia is accused of consenting to shed Italian. blood, " for a cause foreign to the political and religious interests of its nation. For, candidly, it will not be pretended hat in displaying its banner by that of the Crescent, the house of Savoy `a the honour of serving the cause of Christianity." The Emperor withdraws the exequatur from Sardinian consuls in Rus- in` and Russian agents at Nice and Genoa are ordered to suspend their : but he promises to protect the private interests of Sardinians issia, and permits them to remain. A time will be fixed for the de- P∎ of Sardinian ships in Russian porta. mid seem that great military preparations are in progress in Fin« ,"..isth on the coasts, and on the roads in the interior. Helsingfors "l'esd by an intrenched camp, and two parallel lines of fortification. The._tvhy Finnish battalions, ordered to be furnished last November, are a to of forwardness. Hospitals have been erected at a short dis- tance General de Berg, the best artillery-officer in Russia, has arrived • nland, as Governor-General. THE Citt The intelligence from before Sebastopol reaches by letter down.; tne 17th, and by telegraph via- St. Petersburg to the 19th February:
There n. •
; of ag new in the situation, except an improvement in the condition about 40 sou,-oops. The daily deaths in the camp had decreased to destructive, but had , begun to show it- self. The railria less dee. was making what is described as astonishing pro- gress."
There is nothh in the
military position to recount. The strength of the Russians al Kamara had not been.aacertained ; if they were numerous they we and the apprehensions as to the range of their aritlfullY eenoeded; Brigade of Guards-i had been allayed. As anon as practicable,. the ' be-moved down. to join the Highland Brigade, and the whole of ?
Division was to be placed under Sir Colin
Campbell. The increased their force on the Ware= right of our position ; and it was conjectured that a reconnaissance in force would shortly be made on the Russian position at Kamara. The details of the battle at Eupatoria have not yet arrived, but the main facts already published have been amply confirmed both from the British War Office and from the official portion of the Moniteur. The French journal publishes two telegraphic despatches to the Minister of Marine. "Montebello, Kamiesch, February 20.—On the 17th instant the town of Eupatoria was attacked, on the Eastern side, by eighty pieces of artillery, six regiments of cavalry, under the orders of General Korff, and twelve re- giments of infantry, about 26,000 men, under the orders of General Osten- Sacken. The combat lasted from half-past five in the morning till ten a. m. The Russians were vigorously repulsed. Their loss is estimated at 600 killed, and the wounded in proportion. The Turks bad 88 men killed and 250 wounded ; they lost 70 horses. Salim Pasha, General of the Egyptian Division, and 'Colonel Rustem Bey, were killed. Among the French, 4 gun- ners of the Henri IV were killed ; 7 more were wounded, 3 of the Henri IV, and 4 of the Marines. The attack of the Russians has not been re- newed. The steamers at anchor in the roadstead energetically contributed to the defence of the town. I have sent the Brandon and the Megare to Eupatoria. Admiral Lyons has sent there a steam-frigate, a steam-cor- vette, and two gun-boats. Vice-Admiral Bitus.x." " Feloce, Eupatoria, February 21.—Since the affair of the 17th the Rus- aians have not made any new attempt against Eupatoria. Today columns of infantry and trains of waggons were seen leaving the vicinity of the town and taking the direction of Simpheropol. Many villages are still in flames in the neighbourhood of Eupatoria. More guns have been landed and addi- tional fortifications thrown up. The town is in a good state of defence. "Ds Moir Louis."
It is not Liprandi but Oaten-Sacken who commands at ,Eupatoria, Liprandi still retains command of the army before Balaklava.
[From the London Gazette, Feb. 27.] Lord .Raglan to the Duke of Newcastle. " Before Feb. 13.
" My Lord Duke—I mentioned to your Grace, in my despatch of the 10th instant, that there had been a return of bad weather, and that the country was again saturated with wet. On Sunday it rained or snowed from morn- ing till night, and the wind was very high ; and, though it was fine yester- day, still the ground was in a worse state than I had seen it in for some time.
" The enemy has made no movement.
" Major-General Jones, Royal Engineers, arrived a few days ago, and is busily engaged in making himself acquainted with the position occupied', y both armies. " Lieutenant-General Sir George Brown has also returned, and I have great satisfaction in adding, in excellent health. His wound is healed; and, with the exception of not having entirely regained the full use of his elbow, he no longer suffers any inconvenience from it. He will resume the com- mand of his division without loss of time.
" I enclose the return of casualties to the 11th instant.
" I have, &c., RAGLAN." The casualties, from the 9th to the 11th inclusive, were only three men wounded. Another despatch from Lord Raglan was published in last night's Gazette, dated the 17th February. His Lordship remarks, that on the I5th the thermometer was up to 60°, and that while he was writing it was snowing—so variable is the climate. "No movement has been made upon the part of the enemy. The gameon of Sebastopol is engaged in deepening the ditches, and improving the defences of the South front, and in constructing works on the North side of the har- bour. I have received information that the Russian army, in the neigh- bourhood of Bakshi-Serai and Simpheropol, is suffering much from want of provisions and from privations of all kinds. I am happy to be able to say that the railway is making considerable progress ; and that every hope is entertained that in the course of a very short time it will be available for transit as far as Kadikoi, which will accelerate the conveyance of stores up to the camp." One officer, Colonel Bell, of the First Regiment, had been slightly wounded, but had continued to discharge his duties ; of rank and file 8 had been wounded, up to the 16th. Strength of the Army.—The Morning Post published on Monday, a tabular statement of the actual numbers of the British Army before Sebastopol on the 6th February, and also the following results in a com- pacter shape. "The grand total of our army in the East was, on February 6, 44,948 : thus composed—officers, 1242; sergeants, 2536 ; drummers, 735 ; rank and file, 40,436. "Of these, there were in hospital in camp, 5773; and sick at Scutari, 12,344; making a total of sick, 18,117. There were missing, as prisoners of war, 134; there were on command, 2498; and there were present as an effective force, 24,194: thus composed— officers, 1242; sergeants, 1655; drummers, 535; rank and file, 20,762; and this was exclusive of the naval brigade.
"Our effective force before Sebastopol was therefore, on the 6th February, round und numbers, twenty-six thousand men."
"The fine weather of late has lifted our men, like snakes in the spring, from that stupor into which the frost and snow seemed to have plunged them. They now come forth from the insensibility and drowsiness that seemed to have enveloped them, to a state of living, from which the sun alone seems to have rescued them. They are now cheerful, light-hearted, and gay. The bands of the regiments daily play. The sun has become warm. Those whom stern duty will allow seem to enjoy the warm rap of the sun on some rough stone which may happen to be near their tents. This is a poor description of what I saw as I passed on horseback to Balaklava and round the division today for my health. The men say, We don't want any more warm clothing—we have enough.' Their hearts are gay, their spirits lively so look out now in front."—Ifforning Poet Correspond- ent, Feb. 17. The French Army.—" There is a good deal of sickness in the French camp ; and one regiment is said to have suffered as much from scorbutic dis- eases as any of our own, and to have ceased to exist, like the Sixty-third Regiment. But the French have no large steamers which they can send to forage in. ll the ports of Asia Minor; and, with all their deficient transport, athey have had far less sickness and less loss of life from disease cent per cent than our troops, while they have been better provided with food and soldier's luxuries. Had the French army undergone the same amounatec!fi bout, and. fatigue to which our army was exposed I am co_ vi _ hare been in as bad a plight, ,and that it would haveFseuff.nefood. very it nearly the same proportionate losses."—Times Correspondent, b The .Radway.—" The railway, which is the first matter worth notieinCI le making rapid *strides. A tramway has been en laid ; and outside the town, towards Kadiloi, we can daily see a great difference. Mr. Beattyl,the engi- neer, has said that he will complete it as far as Kadikoi in another ten days. We anticipate its completion in another four or five weeks. After passing Xadikoi, a hill has to be encountered with a rise of 1 foot in 15, on the top of which a permanent engine will be erected. Draught-horses, I hear, are to come from England. In the town, Mr. Beatty has cleared a large space, on which he has piled and stacked his materials. He is now most anxious to set a lime-kiln going ; and I believe he has obtained the sanc- tion of Lord Raglan to start it, in conjunction with bfr. Elphinstone, of our Royal Engineers. Plenty of limestone is procurable round about the vicinity. Lime will prove a most useful article as the warm season ap- proaches; and with it we may eradicate, more or less, stenches arising from the accumulation of dead horses ; and from the natural amount of filth in any camp after so many months, no one can wonder if we suffer more or less from fever, for I observe that the horses are not sufficiently deep enough buried to prevent the stench exhaling to putrify the air. The Assistant Quartermaster-Generals of divisions are taking every means to cleanse the camps now, which had become in a most filthy condition."—Morning Post Correspondent, Feb. 10.
"The railway has wound its way up the greater part of the main street of Balaklava; and the engine has been astonishing the Turks by great puffs of steam from its iron lungs, and by sundry shrieks and screams as it has been put in play by the engineers outside the post-office yard, in order to see if its health or constitution has suffered by the sea voyage. The rail- road is simply constructed ; the wooden sleepers are laid down longitudi- nally over a bed of stones on the road, and the rails are fastened down on them. It nearly fills up the breadth of the main street. About fifty yards of rail have been laid down in the street, but the road is in many places in a state of forwardness and will soon be ready to receive the rails."—Times Correspondent, Feb. 10.
ITALY.—In the Turin Chamber of Deputies, on the 17th February, Count Cavour delivered a masterly speech on the Convent Bill. He
showed that the measure would considerably relieve the budget; that the Court of Rome, influenced by the aggressive views of Dltm-Catholi- cism was disposed to extreme measures and did not desire an arrange- ment, and therefore that there could be no good in waiting for the con- sent of the Pontiff; that the time was most opportune for the passage of the law, as all the foreign Governments are so preoccupied that none have leisure nor inclination to interfere on behalf of the monks; and that the only hope of giving peace to Piedmont was in passing that law, so that there may be harmony when the country is on the eve of a war.
But the Daily News correspondent at Paris, on the authority of letters from Turin, says it is doubted whether the King will support the Ministry on this bill : it is feared that the priests have obtained a hold over the Bing's mind—
"His deep grief at the loss, in fearfully quick succession, of his mother, ' i
his wife, and his brother, has greatly unhinged him. An intimate friend lately spoke to him of the necessity that the Convents Bill should pass into a law. 'No, no, said his Majesty, 'that bill has been forced upon me by my ministers' ; and he rushed out of his cabinet in tears."
However, the first paragraphs of the bill have been voted.
Swrimmu.s.rin.—The Grand Council of the Canton of Geneva having adopted the maxim that the Church should be separated from the State, the majority of the committee intrusted with the framing of a bill for that purpose has made the following propositiona- l. The State makes no difference between citizens of different creeds. 2. No person shall be prevented from the exercise of the religion which he has chosen, so long as he does not disturb the public peace, or act against the laws. 3. No one is obliged to contribute towards the support of any wor- ships ; nor shall salaries be paid either by the State or the communes for that purpose. The Ecclesiastical property belonging to the Protestant Church is to be distributed among the Protestant communes, except that which has been applied to the establishment of the Bank of Geneva and the Mortgage Bank.
AIISTRALIA.—Advices from Melbourne to the 2d December, received on Tuesday, left the Diggings in a state bordering on revolt. It seems that a monster meeting was held on the 29th November, at Ballarat ; the Australian flag was hoisted; the leading agitators addressed some 2000 persons, many of them well armed ; but the meeting passed off quietly. Two clergymen from Melbourne endeavoured to persuade the committee to give up a project they had recommended of burning the gold-digging licences ; but without effect, and a large quantity was burned. Next day, November 30, the Commissioners Redo and Johnson ap- peared at the head of a body of mounted and foot police, having their swords drawn and their bayonets fixed, to collect the licences. Mr. Reds first essayed persuasion : he told the insurgents that if they memorialized the Governor they would gain their rights; that a commission had been appointed to investigate their grievances; and that Mr. Fawkner was one of the number. This name the diggers received with three cheers. But the tumultuous assemblage cried, " We will not have drawn swords and fixed bayonets "—" Where is the Governor—send up Sir Charles" —"We want justice, and we will have it." When Mr. Reds said he must collect the licences, they replied, " We have burnt them." Amid great excitement and noise, Mr. Rede read the Riot Act; and expressed his determination to apprehend all who had not their licences.
"One great universal cry then arose, 'To the camp, boys, to the camp ! ' For some distance the diggers followed towards the camp the retrograding military force ; when suddenly there was a shout of 'Not to the camp, boys,
not to the camp ! Back to our own ground on Bakery During this period, the detachment of the Fortieth and Twelfth had formed near the bridge. Of the diggers, some went to the Eureka, some to the Red Hill, where they hoisted their flag—' The Southern Cross' ; while the commis- sioners and commanding-officers were holding a consultation on the new road, evidently non-plused as to what were the intentions of the diggers and what they were next to do. At length the military and police formed themselves into dividene on the itirery Rill, throwing out their ' light bobs' as sharpshooters behind the heaps surrounding the holes. The i posi- ,:1Za being thus taken up, Mr. Johnson asked what he was to do, if, n the collecting of the licences and the apprehension of the unlicensed, violence were used ? The answer from the officer in command of the Police was- ' If a man raises his hand to strike or throw a stone, shoot him on the spot.' These were the orders given to the Police." The armed force, so far as the not too intelligible accounts that have come to hand enable us to understand the affair, seem to have retired to "the camp," which they barricaded with sand-bags and trusses of hay ; while the rebels took post at Bakery Hill, and there, with much shouting and firing, formed line, and gave their names as members of " the Reform League." Some went through the manual exercise under the orders of an old soldier. The result of the day's rebellion was seven prisoners in the hands of the Government party, and several wounded on both sides.
Sir Charles Hotham seems to have quickly assembled a considerable force of soldiers, sailors, and police, numbering perhaps 1000 men, with four guns, and to have despatched them at once to Ballarat. Here the intelligence abruptly breaks of£
INDIA AND CHINA.—The accounts received by the last overland mail come down to the 31st January from Bombay, and the lath from Hong- kong. They contain nothing of the least general importance beyond this one fact, that on Saturday January 20, for the first time in the history of British India, the public were admitted to hear the debates of the Legislative Council.
From China the drift of the news is that the Rebels are unsuccessful in the North, but that they have regularly laid siege to Canton. A large naval force was present to protect the foreign residents; and the Rebels and Imperialists had been informed that if they passed a certain line they would encounter the forces of her Majesty and the United States.