The new writ has issued in the defeat of the
Government candidate for Sunderland, Mr. Fenvrick, by a majority of 134 for Mr. Candlish, the Radical candidate, who said he was opposed to all ecclesiastical endowments. The election, we are told, was carried by the unpaid services of working men, as in the case of Mr. Hughes, the member for Lambeth. The reason for Mr. Fenwick's rejection is stated to be that at the general election he was untrue to the Liberal cause, preferring the success of the Conservative, Mr. Hartley, to that of the second Liberal, whose principles were nearly the same as his own, except as to the union of Church and State. The new Civil Lord of the Admiralty has probably therefore lost both his office and his seat, unless the Government can get him in in the place of some member unseated on petition. At Tiverton the Hon. G. Denman best Sir J. Hay by 46-232 votes to 186. At Brecon the Earl of Breeknock was elected without a contest, and the Marquis of Hartington in North Lan- cashire, and Mr. Gosohen in London, were both re-elected without a contest.