Atriet The Light Of The World. By C. J. Vaughan,
D.D. (Strahan.)-- It it hed fallen to our lot to hear the sermons contained in this volume in the ordinary course of the parochial dispensation, we should have telt that we-had......
The Contemporary Review. No. 3. March. (strahan.)—this...
continues to reserve its energies for theological and ecclesiastical subjects, and to display, we are happy to find, in dealing with them the moderation and discrimination that......
A Catalogue Of The Original Works Of John Wyclif. By
W. W: Shirley, D.D. (Macmillan, the Clarendon Press.)—" The object or this little volume," says the Regius Professor, "is to collect infor- mation. If any reader should be able......
Christian Drift Of Cambridge Work. By T. Worsley, D.d.,...
of Downing College. (Macmillan.) — Dr. Worsley writes as Queen Elizabeth danced, "high and composedly." His thoughts are dressed in a stiff brocade of words heavy with antique......
Onunan Sense. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 3
vols. (Newby.) —Second Edition. Oue really can read this story from beginning to end with satisfaction, which is more than one can always say for the works that issue from Mr.......