Chambers's Journal. 1865. (London and Edinburgh.)—We have a debt of
gratitude of old standing to pay to this excellent publication. Hot youth in our past days was much repressed and depressed by literature of an improving but very dry character; `we were sinking under the weight of penny magazines and the like, when we suddenly became aware of a periodical that actually contained amusing stories and descriptive sketches which we could get through without yawning. We shall never forget the delight that filled our bosom at this happy discovery, in the midst of the heavy dispensation under which children laboured for some time after the great Reform Bill, and we are glad to
take this opportunity of expressing our feelings. We are happy to find that with all the fierce competition of the present day, and among rivals very different from those of the period we have referred to, Messrs. Chambers still continue to held their own, and with a justifiable reli- ance on the literary merits of their publication, see no reason for calling in the assistance of the engraver. "Lady Flavia " and "The Clyffards of Clyffe," two powerful stories of the sensational school, occupy the place of honour in the present volume ; in addition to them (and what we set more store upon), there is the usual pleasing variety of sketch and essay, amusing and instructive.