Mr. Goschen made a Very able speech on the findings
at Guild- on Monday. He commented on the great change of feeling from the jealousy and distrust of Government which prevailed for- merly when the Government was not the Government of the people, to the desire that the Government should take more into ita own hands which prevails now. The cry, he said, was everywhere _Tor inspection. If a railway company issued more debenture lbonds than was right, it was asked why did not the Government -count them? And if a woman was kissed in a railway carriages -it was asked why did not the Government force the guard to com- municate with the passengers ? Mr. Goschen did not blame this tendency to centralization, but only noted it as a curious sign of -the times. His whole speech, which was long, was full of thought and happy turns of expression, and loudly cheered by the working men, who took the points much faster than the aldermen.