A curious rumour is repeated in several telegrams that Edhem
Pasha has asked the Austrian Government to explain the recent con- centration of its troops in Dalmatia. The demand is even said to have created "profound emotion" at Pesth. The story appears exceedingly improbable, as the Porte can hardly wish to increase the number of its enemies ; but it should not be forgotten that Midhat Pasha, in his speech to the Grand Council, reckoned Austria among the foes of Turkey, and that the Austrian Govern- ment is seriously annoyed at the concessions which the Prince of Montenegro is about to obtain. Count Andrassy may wish to increase the effect of his representations at Constantinople, and Edhem Pasha may think that audacity is once more Turkey's true policy. There is even a rumour that he proposes to demand the demobilisation of the Russian Army, but it has not, unhappily, been confirmed.