Mr. Hibbert Has Won Oldham, And Won It By A
majority which shows a very great Liberal reaction in the borough. In 1869 Mr. Hibbert was at the head of the poll, but by so narrow a majority that he was only 24 in advance of......
The Week Has Been Full Of Rumours Of Peace. On
Tuesday, the Times, in a second edition, published a message from an "Occa- sional Correspondent" at St. Petersburg, affirming that the Czar had held a Council, attended by......
Lord Derby Saw That It Was Not Needful To Say
very much in reply, and no one succeeds better than Lord Derby, when he so pleases, in economising superfluous declarations. And then the Duke of Argyll rose, to repudiate the......
News Of The Week.
ir HAYES has been elected President of the United States, and Mr. Wheeler Vice-President. After the Oregon vote had been admitted by Congress, the Extreme Democrats, - whose......
The Only Open Sympathy Which Lord Beaconsfield's Recess...
the Turkish Question have elicited on the Liberal side of the House of Lords has been awakened apparently in the heart of Lord Stratheden and Campbell, who argued, on Monday,......
Peace Has Been Concluded Between Servia And Turkey. The...
agreed to on both sides are the restoration of the status quo, the elevation of the Turkish flag in Belgrade, a general amnesty, and the departure of the Turkish troops within......