It is announced that Jung Bahadoor, the Regent of Nepaul,
died suddenly while hunting in the Nepaulese Terai on the 25th
ult. The event will probably lead to anarchy in Nepaul, as he had no claim to govern except his personal ascendancy, and several competitors will dispute the succession to his authority as Mayor of the Palace. We expect a civil war in Nepaul, in which the British Government may be compelled to intervene, of course on the side of the legal Maharajah, and with the view of making the Resident less of a non-entity than heretofore. We suspect the Foreign Office in Calcutta will hardly know whether to be glad or sorry at the Regent's death. On the one hand, Sir Jung entertained a fixed idea that it was unsafe to quarrel with the British Government, and on the other, he was profoundly jealous of its authority, and very much inclined to intrigue with its enemies. Nepaul, as the last " independent " Hindoo State, has a good deal of influence outside its own borders, especially among Mahrattas, and it has also an undefined and indefinable relation to China which may one day cause trouble. The elevation of a Pretender to the throne of Nepaul by Chinese help would be a most serious annoyance to the Indian Government.