Several of the St. John's (Newfoundland) papers have recently referred
to the forthcoming " gold rush " to the Labrador peninsula, which is, of course, under the jurisdiction of Newfoundland and not under the Canadian Government, as might be supposed from its geographical position. A well-informed correspondent writes to me from Newfoundland :— " There have been many evidences of the existence of gold, both in Newfoundland and Labrador, but, as in the case of our other mineral resources, we have lacked capital for development on any considerable scale. This might easily prove a gold field of importance, although there is the usual element of speculation about it all."
Montreal financiers have now acquired rights to dredge the beds of Big Brook and other rivers at Stag Bay, Labrador, and according to the St. John's Evening, Telegram encouraging reports have been received from the prospectors and engineers who have been there.