3 MARCH 1923, page 14

The Theatre.

"THE YOUNG IDEA" AT THE SAVOY. 'I'nE reception of Mr. Noel Coward's play, The Young Idea, has really been very cheering. Here is a thoroughly - witty, rather fantastically......


A DEAD WARRIOR. HERE sown to dust lies one that drave The furrow through his heart ; Now, of the fields he died to save His own dust forms a part. Where went the tramp of......

Curiosities Of Spelling.

[To the Editor of the SrEcrxran.] SIR, —The gardener quoted by your reviewer (Knole and the Sackvilles) does not hold the record, even in his own pro- fession. I have the......

"plus Fours" At The Haymarket.'

THE plot of this play consists of the laborious manufacture of situations at once trivial and improbable. Its dialogue strains human speech beyond its breaking point in order to......

"taffy" At The Prince Of Wales.

.SPECIAL MATINiE. IT is easy to accuse Mr. Caradoc Evans of being rude to hig mother, but the metaphor is inapposite. His vilification of the South Welsh is the outcome of his......