3 MARCH 1923, Page 9

The February issue of the American World's Work draws a

comparison between the infant mortality rate in the United States and in New Zealand, to the detri- ment of the former. It will be seen that the percentage for the British Isles is almost identical with that of the United States. The death-rate of infants under one year in the leading countries of the world in 1919 was as follows

Per Thousand. Per Thousand.


• •

..300 Bngland and Wales

89 Hungary

264 Ireland ..

88 Japan

.. 184 United States ..


188 Switzerland ..



.. 145 Holland ..

80 France

.. 110 Australia .. .. 09 Norway

.. 94 and


92 New Zealand .. only 4.5

New Zealand's wonderful record in this connexion is largely due to the work of Dr. Truby King and the Royal New Zealand Society for the health of women and children.