3 MAY 1873, Page 2

There is a crisis in the Italian Cabinet. It seems

that for some time Signor Sella, not the nominal, but the virtual Prime Minister, has been discontented with the cool assumption of the Deputies that budgets may be unsettled at pleasure, by a mere vote of the Chamber that more shall be spent on a particular work than the Estimates had assigned to it. When, therefore, in what seems to have been a very thin House, the Chamber decided to spend 23,000,000 lire (not far short of a million sterling) on an arsenal at Tarentum, instead of 6,000,000 lire, which the Minister of Marine had asked for it, Sella foreed- the resignation of-the Cabinet, and Signor Lanza, the President of the Ministry, announced on Thursday-that the Governmout had re- signed. It is said that Signor Pisanelli has been railed upon to form a new Cabinet, and that he and others have informed the King that the vote on which the Miniatry resigned had "no political significance." Very likely not ; but it had a very important economical significance, and the sooner the Chamber is taught the lesson that Ministers are responsible for expenditure, and cannot have expenditure forced upon them which they do not approve, especially during a time of great deficits, the sooner the Parliamentary system in Italy will become efficient. Signor Sells- is a good tutor for an inexperienced Parliament.