The Order Of St. John Of Jerusalem.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—I am obliged by the insertion of my letter in your last issue. I am acquainted with the discussion in your columns between "A......
Denominational Schools.
(TO THE EDITOR OP THE .` SPECTATOR.") Sis,—In a letter in the Spectator of April 26, "A Catholic states that so long as children "are under the direction of a well- principled......
Dissenters' Burials.
(TO THZ EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR:1 SIR,— " J. W. L." doubts whether any Bishop would consent to consecrate a burial-ground unless a chapel was also provided for the sole use of......
[to The Ed/tor Of The Spectator:] Sir,—mr. Carvell...
in error in saying that "all the churchyards closed by Order in Council may be repaired out of the poor-rate." The fact is, "they shall be maintained and repaired," and the......
THE WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY. SOME changes have taken place since the last exhibition of the Water-Colour Society. It has lost, by death, a worthy associate, Mr. Deane, from whose......