The vacancy for Bath caused by the death of Sir
William Tite is to be filled on Tuesday, when Mr. Jerome March, a sound Liberal, who was Mayor of Bath when the British Association met there, and a popular mayor, is to be the Liberal, and Lord Chelsea the Conservative candidate. Mr. Murch will not support the Per- missive Bill, but will not promise to vote against it, so all the Licensed Victuallers have gone over to Lord Chelsea and the Conservatives, and Mr. March receives the support of the tee- totallers. We should like to see the Licensed Victuallers beaten almost as much as to see the Liberal chosen, because the interference of these vulgar special interests in political causes is both disturb- ing and degrading. But hitherto, at least, Beer has seemed to be quite as strong in secret as in public. No doubt it has a power over the imagination as well as over the brain.