Little Games for Coming Seasons. By Lady Bell. (Arthur L,
Humphreys. Is. net.)—Lady Bell's little social satires are inimitable. - They look so innocent that the unwary have been known to resort to them for hints as to new indoor games. "Returning Daughters " and ." Capping Achievements " are
of the moment ; "Maids-in-Waiting," we fear, is perennial. We must quote " Patriot Wives," for the benefit of many a neglected husband :— " This is a good Household game for two players, male and female, especially suitable for the middle-aged. The male player is IT. The object of IT is to have the other player near him, in the same room if possible, when he is under his own roof ; but not when he is outside it. The object of the other player is to hide a long way off, so as to be away at the moment IT comes in to look for her. Agood deal of quiet fun can thus be obtained, particularly at meal-times. Female players especially enjoy it. Some of them have such a passion for it that they go on playing it till after 8 p.m."