News Of The Week.
T HE chief event of the week was the Budget statement of Mr. Austen Chamberlain on Wednesday. There is really only one point of view from which it is right to regard this......
He Digressed At This Point To Remark That The Famous
Land Values Duties of 1909-10 had proved unworkable, as most intelligent people predicted at the time. Mr. Lloyd George, their author, now agreed that the duties must be amended......
The Current Year, Mr. Chamberlain Continued, Would Be...
though the expenditure would be less than half that of last year. The Estimates which he had presented were largely conjectural. Since they were published, he had had to lend......
Mr. Chamberlain Began By Stating That The Expendi- Ture For
the past year had been £2,579,301,000— or £392,896,000 less than the estimate--and that the revenue had been £889,021,000—or £46,971,000 more than the estimatp. The deficit, met......
Mr. Chamberlain, Recalling With Filial Pride His Father's...
Imperial Preference, announced that the Budget would give effect to the decision of the Imperial War Cabinet and Conference of 1917, which in turn was founded on the policy......
Mr. Chamberlain Impressed On The House The Urgent Need For
economy on the part of the Government and the private citizen. He outlined the Budget of a normal year, perhaps in or after 1922. The revenue would be £652,000,000 on the......
The National Debt, Mr. Chamberlain Said, Had Risen From...
at the outbreak of war to £7,435,000,000 on March 31st last—or £545,000,000 less than Mr. Boner Law anticipated a year ago. Of this vast total we owed £1,350,000,000 to foreign......
The New Taxes, Mr. Chamberlain Continued, Would Not...
Luxury Tax nor any increase of the Income Tax and Super Tax, which were the subject of a full inquiry by a Royal Commission. He proposed to raise £19,850,000 by increasing the......
*** The Bdttor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...
lettere submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in caw of rejection.......