3 MAY 1940, Page 16

Si,—We Americans seem to have produced a new Lord Haw.

Haw(Mister Haw-Haw we shall have to call him), in the person of Mr. Radinsky, whose letter to The Spectator sounded pathetic- ally like what we hear every night from Bremen or Hamburg ; that same hatred of Britain, distortion of the truth, cocksureness of himself, and all the rest of the tiresome drivel. Above all, he wants us to believe that all Yankees without exception feel exactly as he does about the war, which is very far indeed from the truth. Compare his letter with one from Mr. Lawrence Hunt, written to the New York Times and reproduced in the London Telegraph in February. Perhaps Mr. Radinsky has not read it. If not, I should advise him to get it and hang it in a spot where he can conveniently see it for the duration ; for it expresses, more than anything we have had yet, the true feeling of the masses of Americans about the present situation ; the true feeling of the American stripped of his emotions and slowly getting down to rock bottom, where he is nothing if not a friend of liberty and freedom for every human being, outside America as well as in. No American, by his very belief in democracy, can be an isolationist. Mr. Radinsky is either ignorant of ordi- nary facts or is very biased by his strange hatred of Britain and France, though one would expect him to spit his venom upon the Nazis rather than the Allies, since he is himself a "Non-Aryan."

Surely it must be common knowledge that both England and France have taken in thousands of German Jews as refugees, at a great risk to the safety of their own cause, since the Germans do not hesitate to use even these poor unfortunates as a =take screen for their secret activities in enemy countries. And yet we read of a "policy of exclusion "! Because England and France are different we must believe that they are wrong. Are not our national characters different? If every country and its people were alike exactly there would be no doubt be an end to all war. As for America being the last opponent to totalitarianism and getting away with it, the idea is childish. Can anyone possibly forget that immediately the Allies lost this war we would have Hitler at our own front door, since the whole of the British Empire would at once fall into the hands of the Nazis automatically, and Canada is uncomfortably near the U.S.A. By what miracle we could hold our own it is difficult to see. No, Mr. Radinsky has greatly overestimated our strength against a Nazi world empire, and, alas, sadly underrated the spirit and good-will of his fellow-countrymen toward the rest of the human race when it needs our help. He is speaking for himself, not for the whole of America, when he so blatantly tells ,us that the Yankees will not fight. Make no mistake about it, they will fight when the right moment comes along.—Yours sincerely, AN AMERIC.AN.