Mr. Lloyd George, Who Is In Astonishingly Vigorous Health At
present, was, I am told, in his liveliest mood at the dinner which the Opposition Liberals, some of whom had in their time been as much opposed to him as they are to the present......
Sir John Harris Was An Active Liberal Politician, And His
activities covered many fields. He will be remembered chiefly as Secretary of the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society, in which capacity he proved himself to be......
British Newspapers, So Far As I Have Observed, Missed A
recent speech by Mr. Pirow, till recently Minister of Defence in South Africa, to which L'Europe Nouvelle opportunely calls attention. The Paris weekly summarises the speech......
The Drink Trade And The Government Are At Odds About
other things besides taxation. The Government has for months been uttering repeated warnings against idle chatter about the war. "Careless talk may cost lives "—and so forth_......
A Spectator's Notebook T Hope That While The Home Secretary
is considering the activities of organisations whose activities are likely to im- pede the successful prosecution of the war (not that his list of such organisations and mine......
Come To Clacton Properly And Intelligibly Anxious To...
usual clientele to their invigorating neighbourhood Clacton hotel- keepers recently, I understand, made the following offer widely known : 33 per cent. reduction on the daily......
The Greatest Neutral
A SIGNIFICANT statement appeared in the New York Times last week. The result of the most recent poll taken by Dr. Gallup's now well-known organisation, , the American Institute......