A SPECTATOR'S NOTEBOOK T HOPE that while the Home Secretary
is considering the activities of organisations whose activities are likely to im- pede the successful prosecution of the war (not that his list of such organisations and mine would necessarily tally) he will not ignore the question of the export of certain publications which we may agree to tolerate here, but which must give to foreign countries an utterly misleading impression of the temper of Great Britain. At one end of the scale is Sir Oswald Mosley's paper Action, which a month ago was on sale at The Hague and Copenhagen, and presumably still is in the former capital. At the other is the Communist Daily Worker. Whether that organ is allowed to go out of the country or not I have not discovered, but 1 have very clear ideas as to whether it ought to be. Then there is a publication that has just reached me, called News from France, issued by a body styled the Anti- Fascist Relief Committee. It is a violent attack on the French Government for the steps it has seen fit to take against French Communists. What the motives of the authors of the publica- tion are I do not pretend to know. But I do know that if anyone was out to make trouble between Britain and France deliberately this is one of the first methods he would adopt. The theet is printed at 17:29 Gayton Street, E.C. r, which happens to be the address of the Daily Worker.