Crossword no. 1324
Across 1 ''Tis just like a summer — in a garden' (Webster) (4-4) 5 A sign of the times being transverse (6) 9 No, I'd vote for piety (8) 10 Fails to be a hit with the ladies (6) 12 Listen here, a legal headpiece becomes the insect (6) 13 Elevation, by degrees (8) 15 Were his letters couched in lordly style? (12)
18 Useful appendages for the novice gardener (5, 7) 23 He puts himself out profitably to grass (8)
24 Minister seen as a double clinger (6) 26 I get nothing back in an old Greek (6) 27 There's a cheat in the game (8) 28 A spicy bit of silver in the nursery (6) 29 Drama in court? This must be for the ex- hibits (8) Down 1 Brock should worry! (6) 2 Venerate Paul the heroic horseman (6) 3 One of Mr Elioes practicalities disguised as its dinner? (7) 4 It shows up the worm (4) 6 If double act separate to find the knave (7) 7 Brief observation healed by being darkened (8) 8 Behaves just like a hanger-on (8) 11 Misguided gallery gets reactionary complaint (7) 14 Circuitous legal proceedings (7) 16 By which some bright spark is created (8) 17 Danger and speed at sea are linked in a link (4-4)
19 Doubled back at such a speed to tell the tale (7)
20 Spectral gold indicator (7) 21 Buddhist meeting place (6)
22 Almost something of a bore, but the east end makes it harsh (6)
25 It's shrewd to be chief (4) Solution next week
Solution to Crossword no. 1323. Across: I Aspirate 5 Barsac 9 Supports 10 Laurel 12 Rhyme 13 Leastwise 14 Dissertation 18 Demonstrates 21 Reimburse 23 Blaze 24 Briton 25 Abstains 26 Ernest 27 Seasonal. Down: 1 Absurd 2 PopeYe 3 Rhodesian 4 Totalisators 6 Await 7 Sardinia 8 Colleens 11 Marriageable 15 Acerbates 16 Ador- able 17 Ambition 19 Marian 20 Wease1-22 Boots.