Waiting For Adolf
Sir: As the 'other officer' referred to in Colonel Peter Fleming's letter (26 April), and since Mr Lampe presumably obtained this anecdote from my book Fighting Mad, I feel that......
Government And Business
Sir: In his article on 'Government and busi- ness' in your issue of 5 April, Mr Harold Lever describes the present Government's method of controlling a mixed economy, but......
The Exploding Teddy-bear
AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS Deirdre Filament is about twenty-seven. She has three children, Marc (fourteen), Emma (six) and Damian (three), and is now married to architect Rasp......
Charlie B Sir: May I Be Allowed Some Few Lines
of your valuable space to stress that the title of my new book, so generously reviewed by Captain Roskill (26 April), is Charlie B. Your readers may have difficulty in obtaining......
Sinister Stance
Sir: Mr Kingsley Martin invites me to answer three questions (Letters, 26 April), and I hasten to do so. 1. The feeling which was shared by all three parties in the 'thirties......
Henry's Youth
Sir: Henry Tube quotes John Berryman (26 April): 'Death is a German expert' without mentioning that this is yet another 'embedded quotation.' I much prefer Paul Celan's......