Some tailor or other has, it is said, been shooting
at the Kaiser. His name is not given, there is no proof that the pistol was loaded, and the whole story looks very much as if the Viennese police, who are very clever, had got up a little drama to excite enthusiasm. It is more certain, for it is obviously Mr. Russell who says so, that the Kaiser was received in Prague in dead and ominous silence, silence so deep that the clink of the scabbards could be heard as he drove through the multitudes who, be it remembered, are taught to consider him a father. It is more certain also that the Radicals will defeat M. Deak's party at the elections, most certain that the Germans of Austria demand the reassemblage of the Reichsrath, that is,- supremacy in the Empire. No man who has read history will ever venture to say that the Hapsburgs cannot survive any- thing, but the rattle in the throat seems this time to be audible.